Our expertise

Steering your project portfolio by value

Improving operational performance through the development of a frugal project culture to ensure tangible, value-generating results.

Why a value-based steering approach?

  1. Improving operational performance

Value-based steering is a decision-making tool for the operating divisions, enabling them to combine control of a stable/decreasing CTB budget with the implementation of key projects in line with the Group’s strategic priorities.

It represents a powerful lever for optimizing the budget management of the project portfolio, while promoting solutions capable of achieving business objectives:

  • Deduplication of budget allocations for functionalities shared by several projects
  • Investment arbitration to incorporate cyclical inflationary trends
  • Suggesting alternative scenarios in line with operational objectives and investment plans
  • Taking into account long and short-term risks and constraints, and optimizing the use of resources.
  1. Developing a frugal culture

Value management is also a way of obtaining “scarce” CAPEX funds by demonstrating a disciplined/intelligent spending in a resource-constrained environment:

  • Authorization granted to spend only 70–80% of the budget
  • Quarterly review to decide on the allocation of the frozen 20–30% based on: spending capacity and discipline observed, and reallocation aiming at financing new priorities or strengthen the profit and loss account.

An approach to identify the intangible value supported by each functionality

Tangible results on portfolios up to €5M

  1. Analysis of interdependencies between functionalities in order to build scenarios
  2. Target solution set with service level and financial benefits
  3. Roadmap of versions with amortized costs ensuring an effective level of service for users from the first version onwards
  4. Value extraction modelling the generation of value throughout the deployment of the solution and defining the KPIs to be monitored

How we can help

  • Break down and extract value by key functionality and define scenarios

    Analyzing the interdependencies between functionalities and reconstructing value (data to process mining) in order to build scenarios

  • Define the target solution, including service levels and financial benefits

    Reconcile value and costs using our proven tools to identify the target solution that meets your needs and ambitions

  • Building a roadmap of concrete versions

    Define your release roadmap with amortized costs to ensure an efficient level of service for users from the very first release

  • Securing value generation throughout deployment

    Extract value, modelling the generation of value throughout the deployment of the solution and defining the KPIs to be monitored