Our expertise

Operating Model Transformation

Optimize your business and operating model to gain competitive advantage

Valthena’s Playbook to a successful operating model transformation : A Systemic Approach and a Strong Partnership Between Business, IT & Operations

  • Start with Business Ambition

    • Business ambition by product / solution
    • Service level (high touch vs. industrial)
    • Pricing approach
  • Make Choices Along the Value Chain

    Make, Buy or Share

    • Current footprint and model
    • Strengths (differentiation)
    • Opportunities

    Location Strategy

    • Local vs. Shared centers
    • On-shore vs. Near-shore vs. off-shore
    • Resilience

    Process Optimization

    • Lean
    • Simplification, optimization
    • Continuous improvement

    Technology Driven Opportunities

    • Digitalization
    • Data usage, AI, RPA
    • Selfcare platforms

    People Management

    • Incentives and compensation
    • Management model
    • Skillset and training
  • Mapping your operating model, current and future

    Scope of Activities & Organizational Chart

    • What are the business / products activities in scope?
    • Describe each of them with qualitative and quantitative information (description, volumes, revenues, trends…)
    • Formalize Organizational Chart with Mission Statement and Roles and Responsibilities

    Processing Teams & stakeholders

    • What are the teams involved at FO, MO, BO level?
    • What other teams are being involved (transversal, IT…)
    • Indicate the geographies / locations if relevant

    Detailed Processes (optional)

    • What are the end-to-end steps for each activities?
    • Who is responsible of what, what are the key controls?
    • Document with ‘swim lanes’ all the steps of the processes

    Applicative Landscape & IT Architecture

    • What are the main Functions? Applications? Data flows?
    • What are the key referential?
    • Formalize Functional and Applicative IT mapping

    Geography and Sourcing view

    • Where are the teams located?
    • Are the teams internal/external?
    • Formalize the Geography and Sourcing footprint

How we can help

  • Opportunity Study

    Evaluate your current operating model and identify opportunities

  • Target Operating Model Design

    Devise optimal operating model to support business ambitions

  • Target Operating Model Implementation

    Build trajectory and implement changes toward target operating model