Our expertise

IT Strategy : accelerate value creation for business

At the heart of the digital exponential growth, IT Departments must rethink their role and strategy to position themselves as a privileged economical partner for Business and to adopt a Business Centric posture.

How can you build your IT strategy around value creation?

In a global economy with a fast paced transformation context, the Information Systems Department plays a key role in business transformation.

An IT Department must define and execute its strategy for the business, maximizing the underlying value creation.

And value creation is not just about technological innovation. In fact, an IT strategy that serves the business and the company’s growth addresses multiple priorities:

  • Improve operational efficiency,
  • Contribute to company growth,
  • Ensure IT security, resiliency and sustainability,
  • Accelerate business digitalization and improve user experience,
  • Rapidly integrate technological innovations that generate business opportunities.

Process digitalization / automation, enterprise data exploitation and AI obviously contribute to business value creation. However, optimizing its technical platform, ensuring company’s IT resiliency and providing sufficient pledges to B2C and B2B clients on Green IT and IT security matters represent a competitive lever beyond compliance requirements.

As a business and economical strategic partner, CIOs should design and execute a strategy that allows to:

  • Adopt a “Business Centric” stance, with an ever richer offering of innovative, packaged and marketed services, which will meet the growing desire of business users for turnkey IT products that can be implemented very quickly and invoiced on a pay-per-use basis,
  • Preserve its regalian role in terms of operational performance, security and also sustainability (Green IT) to accelerate time-to-market in a controlled and sustainable way,
  • Control and even optimize costs through value-based management.

How we can help

  • Define your IT strategy 

    Translate business needs into IT strategy, develop your Go To Cloud or Go To Data/IA strategy. Design your IT master plan. Define your transformation roadmap

  • Evolve towards a “Business-centric” IT model

    Reshape IT services offering in a more understandable and attractive way, in line with business needs and market alternatives. Rethink the IT Department mission and develop your organization, roles, business and IT skills accordingly

  • Elaborate the Enterprise Architecture, and the API strategy

    Design the IT architecture and an API strategy to support business innovation (e.g. service platformisation)

  • Arbitrate projects regarding their value and economical context

    Better assess the value generated by IT projects and strengthen the governance of the project portfolio to arbitrate as closely as possible with the company’s challenges (business priorities, ROI, etc.)