Our expertise

Designing and deploying your platform strategy

The creation of a real partnership with the customer becomes essential, by instantiating its ecosystem based on universes at the heart of its concerns

A relationship historically based on the simple fronting of back offices hosting insurance products

Today, we are witnessing the increasing obsolescence of value-added interaction between insurers and their customers.

Increasing remoteness and dehumanization of the relationship between advisors and customers

  • Dehumanization of day-to-day operations (competition from Insurtech, digital self-care), with the underlying value-added of the advisor called into question.

A “lose-lose” strategy of simply digitizing operations

  • For the advisor/customer relationship, the commoditization of basic services (claims management, etc.) and distance from the advisor are not fostering value-added services.

Services and product marketing that no longer meeting customer expectations

  • Increasingly similar offers with little differentiation in the insurance landscape, failing to meet the challenge of a new customer experience.

The creation of a real partnership with your customer becomes essential, by instantiating his ecosystem based on universes at the heart of his current concerns.

How we can help

  • Governance

    Create a platform department to orchestrate relations between partners & other insurance departments

  • Architecture

    Define secure APIs for partner integration, security guaranteed by insurance expertise, and data governance that makes the most of customer data

  • Business Model

    Adapting business models according to partnerships (B2B, B2C) and activating different levers: social commitment, day-to-day support (home help, etc.), customer loyalty, image enhancement, etc.

  • Partnerships

    Define a sourcing strategy to achieve defined targets, ongoing customer and insurance assessments, and industrialized partner management

  • Process & functional

    Optimize exchanges and interactions between customers, partners and historical insurance departments, boost the customer journey so that the discovery of a world is quickly transformed into the creation of an ecosystem